It is what you hear during a Minnesota summer - a three month window where you cram as much outdoor living as you possibly can before another long winter sets in. We don't have a cabin, but are fortunate to have friends that do. We've made two trips so far - Bay lake with friends Mike and Liz, their daughter Ainsley and niece Kia, and the Kettle river with Kate, Greg and their nephews Sam, Ryan and Jack.
I can't say enough about how gracious our hosts were. Liz and Mike treated us to a fantastic dinner and put us up in the sweetest little sleeping cabin equipped with all the necessities including a fireplace.
It was all about "the boys" on our annual trip with Kate and Greg; campfires, fireworks, bb guns, fishing and expeditions up the river to collect prize winning agates. We got to meet their new puppy, Zigmund Hellmutt (clever - huh?), he is a very handsome black and gray german wire-hair - I think, he was missing most of the time. "Has anyone seen Ziggy?"
Liz, hard at work in the kitchen. Why isn't that girl wearing a vintage apron?
How to stay young - make brownies with 5- and 6-year old little girls, lick the batter bowl clean, best done on the floor with a little sand and dog hair.
Nice fashion statement Sam. Did I mention that this year I shaved his head and carved lines right above his ear on one side of his head? Wonder how that went over with mom and dad when he got home? Next year we are all getting tattoos - handmade of course!
Katie communing with nature. Actually, she is sulking because I beat her butt in another round of phase ten. Happy to say that this year Sam was the victorious winner in the final cut-throat competition, not too far behind was first time player Ryan who gets the "good-sport" award.